This coming April, the Government constitute a new labor law “Contrat Premiere Embauche”.
If I sum up, the first 2 years of employment, the employer can fire the employee anytime without any reason.
But it is quite normal in Japan. we can have the sudden “You are fired!” situation all the time.
Because of this controversial new law, there have been strikes so often and students have repeated protest march,
Spring in Paris is beginning very heatedly!
Since it is the main day for the strike, people from everywhere in France gather in Paris to protest. Metro is on a strike as usual.
Since the employee are too protected by the previous labor law, the employment difficulty for the medium and small companies bears
severely on the economical situation in France.
I think this new labor law works quite positively for facilitating the employment.
The employee interests takes things always negatively.
If they turn their passion to work instead of going for a strike, France would be changed in a positive way.
While observing the chaos from the top of a tree, I decided to hire new employee!!!
この4月から雇用法が改定され、Contrat Nouvel Embaucheに続きContract Premier Embaucheという、新規採用に関する新しい雇用形態が設立されました。
本日は、地方からたくさんの人々が集結し、デモ行進! メトロもストライキ。
中小企業はこれまでの労働者優位の雇用法のおかげで、雇用自体が難しく、経済活動を圧迫していたのです。 この新規雇用法は、雇用を容易にする、とてもポジティブな法律がと思うのに、、、雇われる側はいつもネガティブに考えるのね~。 このストライキのパワーを少しは労働に向ければ、フランスも少しは変わるんでしょうね。